人造语言 维基

- The inflection of verb agrees with the subject of the sentence when applying the direct nominative case or the indirect nominative case.

- The inflection of verb agrees with the object of the sentence when applying the accusative case, the instrumental case, the dative case or the passive case.

- First Inflection of Verb is used when the verb has no prefix and is placed at the beginning of a sentence; Second Inflection of Verb is used when the verb has a prefix (or prefixes) or in the situation that the verb is placed in the middle of a sentence.

- Alfvanthienda Fyeritha obeys a natural order of VSO, Verb Subject Object.

- If the last letter of the root and the first letter of the suffix are both vowel, then place an “h” in between of them.

- Passive case is used to describe passive mood or result E.g. The cake was purchased. (Cake: singular masculine, passive; or you can express it by inflect the verb purchase into third personal passive case) I am sad because of his death. (I: singular masculine passive. “I am sad” is a result of his death. “I” is in a passive mood here in this sentence)







Expression of a certain type of things by using this prefix + adj. nominative Un’ passive Yun’ accusative Aun’ instrumental Ulin’ dative Vun’
